The Italian American slang term GOOM-BAH once again is a pronounciation of the Italian word compare (KUM-PAR-AY) really meaning fellow country man, friend, buddy, comrade. They have what they call foreign letters that are similar to Greek symbols-but normally they are not used. It is important to remember that there is no J, K, X, W, or Y in the traditional Italian alphabet. In American colloquilism the phrase “ba fongool” (as seen hollered by Talia Shire in the first Godfather movie” is often obviously mistaken for the “F word” in english and again is an anglicized pronounciation of what someone posted earlier va fan culo (VAH FAHN-COOL-OH) With the closest translation being “go stick it up your ass”. In proper Italian grammar the word Cafone simply means that a peson is a stupid jerk. Among second and third generation Italian Americans when saying someone is a gavone they usually are expressing that the indidual has no class. The word gavone (GAV-OWN) is an anglicized “americanized” pronounciation of the Italian word Cafone (CAH-PHONE-AY) stressing the vowel at the end. in other regions it means “cunt” ) – serpente (snake)- randello (bludgeon) – fava (broad bean) – minchia.Īnd for cunt: passera (female sparrow) – patata, patatina (potato, little potato) – farfallina (little butterfly) – pescia, pesciotta (female fish)- gnocca (female dumpling) – fregna – fessa (in very very correct italian “fessa” means “broken” or “cracked”, but no one uses that word in that meaning anymore)- bernarda – buco (hole) – mona – topa (female mouse)- tana (lair)- patonza -sorca (female mouse in dialect)- pelo, pilu (hair, “pilu” is used in calabria) – pucchiacca – boschetto (little wood)- vulva Now some words for dick: cazzo – pesce (fish) – varra – mazza (club)- pisello, pisellino, pisellone (pea, little pea for children penis, big pea) – uccello (bird) – verga (rod)- cella (south italy: cell. “inzuppare il biscotto”: “to soak the biscuit” – to have sex “omm e sfaccimme” means “man of sperm”, a very bad guy. “ti sfondo il culo”: “i smash your ass”, the same of “rompere il culo” “Rompere il culo” “ti rompo il culo”: “to break the ass” – “i break your ass”, means to beat somebody down.

Other rude words are simply called parolacce – “bad words.” Be aware that these may be considered particularly offensive by some people. Some of these words and phrases fall into the category of bestemmie (blasphemy): taking the Lord’s (or Jesus’ or Mary’s) name in vain.

For milder slang and idiom, see this page. Most of this usage is not for polite company.If you have something you’d like to add or suggest or comment on, go here (where you can also see what others have suggested). Subject to revision whenever the mood strikes me.Select a letter above to go to the page of Italian swearwords starting with that letter. If you’re planning to live or travel in Italy, you might find it helpful to know what people are saying – much of which is not in polite phrasebooks! And sometimes it helps to be able to fire a few juicy phrases of your own. Italian Slang Dictionary: intro A B C D E F G I L M N O P Q R S T U V X Z Introduction to Italian Slang